Free your Imagination.

Orius Designs is the medium for my imagination and creativity to flow into a tangible form. Orius is a combination of the words ‘Orion’ and ‘Sirius’. Both, Orion’s Belt - The Famous Constellation, and Sirius - The Brightest Star in our Night Sky, are two Cosmic Entities visible from my bedroom window at night. As I stare at these entities waiting to fall asleep, I conjure ideas, designs, themes and much more in my mind. Hence, they are now the namesake for this new medium. I hope you enjoy exploring these works as much as I have creating them.


An Artwork Without A Specific Destination But Rather About Enjoying The Process Of Creating


Art Deco Inspired Geometric Pattern Work


Solid Frame Enclosing A Petal-based Mandala and Celtic Knots.


A Test To Combine Several Prominent Patterns


Tribal Inspired, Vintage And Gold Textured Design.


Vintage Rustic Gold Leaf

Contact Me.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments on this my new endeavor. If you have ideas for something new that I must explore, I am all ears. Thank you for your time!